divendres, 21 de setembre del 2018

My Personal Profile

My name is Aleix, my surname is Leon Ruiz.
 I am 13 years old my birthay is on 10 of September
I live in Balaguer, Lleida.
House Nr 19 Riu Valira Street.
 My neighbour are Zoe.
Ver las imágenes de origen I attend Institut Almata school. I
like  P.E, Vegetable garden and Spanish Lengue.
 these are my fauvorite subject. I like school
I like playing football, running and bannanas, too. 
These are my hobbies.
I don't  like chocolate, fish and cheakpeas.
I have got brother, sister.
So our family is big.
I don't have any pets.
I like English very much, because its difficult.
I promise to do my best during English lessons.
Nice to meet you, teacher. I like

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